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Raider Care Childcare Program

Before & After School Program


Raider Care Enrollment Form

Raider Care Information

***Please Note***
Please be advised, if your child is in need of extra supports or assistance, the parent will be responsible for those costs provided qualified personnel can be found and employed for the position. 
A non-refundable yearly enrollment fee will apply for each child enrolled in Raider Care. 
Daily drop in rates are $8 for mornings and $10 for after school.
Payments can be made online using a credit or debit card via This is the same service that is used to add lunch money to your child's meal account. Please note, you will need to be added to the online payment system before payments can be made. 
 All checks must be written with a DARK BLUE or BLACK ink pen. Checks written in any other color will be returned due to new bank regulations.    
For more information on Raider Care please contact visit the front office or email Amber Florence.