Santa Fe Compact
Santa Fe Elementary
Title I Parent- Teacher- Student- Principal Compact
2024-2025 School Year
As a parent or adult who has legal responsibility for the child, I agree to be responsible for supporting my child in the following ways:
Have high expectations for my child.
Show respect and support for my child, his/her teachers and the school.
Monitor assignments and encourage homework completion.
Read with my child 20 minutes every day.
Be involved by attending conferences and school functions.
Communicate openly with teachers and staff.
Signature _______________________________ Date ____ / ____ / ____
As the principal, I/we will encourage and support students’ learning in the school by doing the following:
Support positive parent involvement by providing parents to be involved in the school and their child’s education.
Foster positive communication among parents, students, and teachers.
Keeping students safe to the best of my abilities.
Signature ________________________________ Date ____ / ____ / ____
As a teacher, I/we will encourage and support students’ learning in this school by doing the following:
Provide high quality instruction through various media.
Keep in mind the children's various learning styles when teaching.
Communicate with parents about his/her child's overall progress.
Be available to students and parents to discuss student progress.
Signature _________________________________ Date ____ / ____ / ____
As a student, l agree to be responsible in the following:
Attend school daily.
Work hard to always do my best on my schoolwork.
Complete all of my homework assignments and be prepared for school.
Respect and cooperate with other students and adults.
Read outside of school daily.
Signature __________________________________ Date ____ / ____ / ____