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Santa Fe Compact

Santa Fe Elementary  
Title I Parent- Teacher- Student- Principal Compact 
2024-2025 School Year 


As a parent or adult who has legal responsibility for the child, I agree to be responsible for supporting my child in the following ways: 
  • Have high expectations for my child.  
  • Show respect and support for my child, his/her teachers and the school.  
  • Monitor assignments and encourage homework completion.  
  • Read with my child 20 minutes every day.  
  • Be involved by attending conferences and school functions. 
  • Communicate openly with teachers and staff. 

Signature _______________________________    Date ____ / ____ / ____ 

As the principal, I/we will encourage and support students’ learning in the school by doing the following: 
  • Support positive parent involvement by providing parents to be involved in the school and their child’s education.  
  • Foster positive communication among parents, students, and teachers. 
  • Keeping students safe to the best of my abilities. 

Signature ________________________________     Date ____ / ____ / ____ 

As a teacher, I/we will encourage and support students’ learning in this school by doing the following: 
  • Provide high quality instruction through various media.  
  • Keep in mind the children's various learning styles when teaching. 
  • Communicate with parents about his/her child's overall progress.  
  • Be available to students and parents to discuss student progress. 

Signature _________________________________    Date ____ / ____ / ____ 

As a student, l agree to be responsible in the following:  
  • Attend school daily.  
  • Work hard to always do my best on my schoolwork.  
  • Complete all of my homework assignments and be prepared for school.  
  • Respect and cooperate with other students and adults.  
  • Read outside of school daily. 

Signature __________________________________   Date ____ / ____ / ____

Santa Fe Compact 2024-2025